Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Latest Tear-sheets

Here are my latest tear-sheets from The Advocate.  It's a great story about a gay man who went to Africa to help with an AIDS documentary, and along the way, adopted his son. 

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June Bike Polo

Here are some shots from a series Im currently working on about Bike Polo in Los Angeles. These were taken at the beginning of June during a monthly "friendlies" tournament between several different crews.  This one was great, cause it got broken up by the cops.  

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Black Book tear sheets

Here are two tear sheets from shoots I did for Black Book.  First is of Cheryl Hines who was amazing.  Totally hilarious. The second is of Dimtri - the maitre di of The Sunset Tower bar. He was really...well, unlike any I'd ever met before.  So courtious with something slightly quirky about him.  Notice his foot in the picture.  It's one of my favorite moments of any picture I've taken.  He really would be the perfect butler, though I think he needs a butler to take care of him for a change. 

More tear sheets

This is from my first Advocate Shoot.  September of 2006.  It was a fun shoot I did of gay twin brothers who were a singing duo.  The shoot was filmed for their reality show, but the shoot didn't make it on air.  Too bad, cause I dressed really cute in my white jeans and teal Ben Sherman polo.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Advocate tear sheets - June 2008

These are two portraits I did for The Advocate's Pride Issue.  The article dealt with homosexuality and faith.  The first image was the article leader and a full page with very little text - always a big plus!  Dave, the man in the first image studies Kabbalah and has an arsenal of the most amazing stories about his experiences...or lack there of...with Madonna.  Skip's faith is Agape.  A church based in Los Angeles accepting of everyone.  

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Flaunt tear sheet: Issue 93

Here is a tear-sheet from a shoot I did for Flaunt Magazine.  Charles Tentindo is the inventor of the Zen Riffer, the musical instrument he is holding.  

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