Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New Orleans
My husband and I recently took a trip to New Orleans. I brought my Hasselblad with some old expired film I had sitting around as well as my Lumix. I thought I'd take a couple rolls of film to supplement the thousands of digital shots I usually snapped. I figured since it's New Orleans, I owed it to myself to shoot film. When I arrived, and my digital camera's battery was drained, I was surprised to see I hadn't brought my charger. I tried to buy one, but $40 for a $10 charger seemed a little extreme. It was a rather happy accident as I was now free to shoot solely with my Has. I shot 12 rolls of 120, but could shot so much more. I had forgotten how expensive it was to process film! I miss the good ol days of running hundreds of rolls of film for free at school. It was great being forced to consider what I was shooting and having to take a breath before just pointing a digital and firing away. I think I saw a lot more of New Orleans with my film camera as opposed to my digital, and I ended up with some really beautiful color shifts from the expired film. Here are a few shots.